Indiana Jones 7 Famous Movie Hats

7 Famous Movie Hats

  1. Indiana Jones – Indiana Jones, the epitome of adventure, wears the famous fedora. He wears his hat through all of his adventures, whether he’s in high-speed car chases, swinging across seemingly-endless chasms, or in an intense gun fight. Without his famous fedora hat, he’s just another adventurer.
  2. Walter White – Walter White, the main character from AMC’s Breaking Bad, is found with his pork pie hat. Throughout the series, Walter grows to be more of a drug kingpin, where he gains more confidence and power. When he grabs his hat you know he has a plan and he means business. When he wears his hat it is meant to symbolize him as his alias “Heisenberg”, and represents the fear he strikes in others, the confidence he gains, and the intimidation he uses to his advantage.
  3. John T. Chance – John Wayne plays the Westerner Sheriff Chance, who keeps the peace in Presidio County in the movie Rio Bravo. Wayne plays this iconic character who wears an old fashioned cowboy hat. Chance represented pure masculinity, and his hat was right along with him. His hat never left his head throughout the movie, and many other John Wayne movies to follow. Chance kept his calm voice, while still beating people to the ground.
  4. Dr. Seuss – Dr. Seuss was an iconic figure in the children’s book industry and was impossible to picture without his red and white hat. Seuss’ books used a unique poetic meter that attracted a lot of publicity and attention to his books, while of course giving us a good laugh in the process. Dr. Seuss’ Cat in the Hat is arguably his most famous work and could never be depicted without the famous hat. The hat was part of the reason it was so humorous.
  5. Ellen “The Lady” – Sharon Stone plays as Ellen “The Lady” in The Quick and the Dead. Throughout this movie Ellen was a dangerous gunslinger with some of the quickest draws you’ll ever see. She wears her own cowboy hat which stays with her throughout the movie until she gets revenge on Herod. This hat stands as a perfect symbol for women’s strength and courage…men aren’t the only people who get the famous hats here!
  6. Willy Wonka – Willy Wonka is one of the most popular movies from the 70’s, with a fairly recent 2005 remake. In every scene Wonka wore a purple top hat that was always easy to spot and kept the other characters attention at all times. Even though he was a bit strange, he kept a leadership position throughout the movie.
  7. Dumbledore – Dumbledore was one of the key characters from the Harry Potter series. He was always wearing his tassel hat, a common wizardry hat. Dumbledore was idolized as a powerful wizard that would fight the dangers of the world with the help of his accomplices.

When you think of your favorite movie character, it’s difficult to picture them in any other way than what they played in that movie. In many cases, such as those listed above, they are automatically associated with a particular hat as well. Hats are for keeping up an appearance, dressing up, and sometimes to give confidence; however, this is not how we view them on most people. You may never see someone without a particular hat on, which eventually makes the hat a part of them.

In Hollywood, hats are used not just as an article of clothing, but also a part of the person. The choice of hats is crucial in building characters and the setting of a movie or scene. Need more proof? Try picturing your favorite hat-wearer in your favorite scene, but this time without a hat! It’s not easy.

Hats In The Belfry offers most of the hats listed above, if not something very close to it. Browse our hat selection and see if you can find your favorite movie hat!